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Glass orb on a rocky beach


“Just like there's always time for pain, there's always time for healing.”


In a Mediumship Reading I'll connect with our divine teams and be the liaison between the client and loved ones that have crossed the veil to receive clear,  perceptive messages. This communication with departed loved ones provides guidance for choices, offers comfort, continues a connection, and brings forth insightful, loving messages. Each Zoom session is tailored for your specific questions and needs, along with other insights that might be beneficial. You can choose ahead of time who you’d like to connect with, knowing that another loved one may show up if it’s for your highest good. Mediumship readings can also be combined with a Psychic Session.

 Mediumship Readings Distance Sessions

Includes both phone communication before the session and by Zoom during the session.

One Hour Session-$111.00

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